Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Project

Welcome to the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Project

The Harry Potter Project was designed to display details, examinations, and the similarities between The Goblet of Fire novel as well as its big screen equivalent, under the same name. Included are multiple pages featuring comparisons between the novel and movie as well as analyses of each. On the Movie Script page is the transcribed movie script in its entirety, as well as a navigational bar of scene numbers that will take you to that scene number on the page. On the Novel Chapter Analysis page, there is a chapter list detailing the characters, creatures, and spells included in each chapter. There are also links in each chapter that has a corresponding scene from the movie leading to the scene in the movie script. There is a Methodology page that details the methods that were used to gather and organize the data used to compile these lists and analyses of the novel and movie script. On the Dicussion page will be two graphs illustrating the frequency of creatures and spells in each chapter of the novel and scene of the movie.

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